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Suggestions in Planable

Find out how to use suggestions to review content

Noa Lupu avatar
Written by Noa Lupu
Updated over a week ago

In Planable you can give feedback in multiple ways. Comments, internal notes, annotations, and suggestions.

In this article, we'll explore how suggestions work. They allow anyone reviewing content to make direct edits on the copy, while the creator can accept or reject them with one click.

To leave a suggestion, reviewers only need to have "View" permissions allowing them to leave comments. They will not be changing the content itself, as someone with editing permissions has to accept or reject the suggestion made.

Leaving suggestions

To leave a suggestion, you need to select the piece of text you'd like changed and select "Suggest edits". The selected text will show up in the "Suggestion box", and you can make any edits you need:

Suggestions can be left both as internal notes or comments.

Managing suggestions

All suggestions will show up in a dedicated section in your feedback tab. You can go through each one and choose whether you want to accept or reject it. Once accepted the text will automatically be changed to the suggestion.

After leaving a suggestion, you can also edit or delete it as needed.

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