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Notifications settings

Find out more about notifications settings below.

Vlad Calus avatar
Written by Vlad Calus
Updated over a week ago

Planable wants to help you with staying up-to-date. Our notifications feature will let you know what happened on your workspaces almost instantly.

Every activity is recorded - new comment, tag, mention, your post has been approved, or someone joined your workspace. 

You can easily change notifications that you want to receive in the Notification settings from your top right corner. 😊

We have 3 types of notifications: 

  • App, in the right top corner, next to your account name

  • Desktop, in the right bottom corner, in your browser. Planable needs permission to send you browser notifications

  • Email, you receive them in your email, after you verify the email

Also, we've simplified the notification settings experience, now you can choose to get notified about post status updates (approvals, publishing), new posts added, or conversations per workspace. You can also unsubscribe your team members or clients to spare their inboxes if needed.

Moreover, make sure everyone is on the same page with you by tagging your team members in the comments section. You can do this by typing @ + their NAME or selecting a user from the list. 

By tagging a user, they will be notified in the app and email. When a post is ready to be approved for your client, you can write a comment and tag them to notify them about that. 

There are a few other resources available on notifications 

In case you have any other notifications issues please reach out to our team via Intercom (green icon, right bottom corner).

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