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Everything you need to know about post creation, editing and types of content available in Planable.
Adding a first comment
Image editing
Tag accounts in Instagram photos
Published posts are automatically archived from Planable after 1 year
How to use AI to create posts in Planable
Alt text
Edit the video thumbnail
How to delete files from the media library
How to add locations to your posts
Syncing previous content in Planable
Import posts in Planable
Facebook Carousel Ads
Facebook Link Ads
Review links explained
Share posts with external collaborators
Facebook Stories
Create a post
Instagram Stories
Recommended image sizes
Error - can't create a new post
Edit a post
Edit post settings
Delete, archive & restore a post
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Translate a post using multiple languages & localization
Poll posts on Facebook
Video size, trimming, and format guidelines
Create a Multi-Image post
Internal posts
Duplicate or copy posts
Activity log
Tag pages and accounts
Link shortener
The orange dot on the post
Facebook Reels
Edit your Videos
Scheduling Video Posts Across Multiple Platforms in Planable
How to schedule Posts on Facebook
My instagram videos appear dull, blurry or with colour differences
AI Caption generator
How can I find my draft posts?
Canva integration
How to create post templates
Guidelines for Scheduling Posts Across Multiple Platforms in Planable